Home Solar

Solar paneled house

When deciding if solar is a good fit for you and your family or business, you need honest advice, and sometimes being told that solar will not work in your setting is a necessary conversation.
You can expect an 8-12 year payback with domestic solar, and the factors that make it work are;

  • Are you home during the day to use the solar power?
  • Can we store it in your electric hot water cylinder?
  • Have you a suitable roof, unshaded, not too steep, facing east, north or west?
  • Is a battery necessary?
  • Do you have a lot of power cuts?
  • Thinking of an EV car?

Dion has been selling and installing home solar systems for over ten years.

We can offer great advice on battery solutions and products, solar panels, hot water power diverters, Inverters etc.

It usually takes four weeks from accepting a quote to the final inspection and handover.

All houses are different and we only quote after a site visit.

Solar panel being measured
Solar panel array on roof of large commercial building
House in wilderness meadow with solar panels on the roof
Powall system components
Solar panels on top of large gift box